Friday, March 23, 2012

Ribbon Pillow for Baby Hadley

How many babies LOVE tags?? I know Kapri did when she was young...she was obsessed with any little tag or ribbon hanging off of a toy or blanket.

So when I went to visit my good friend Niki yesterday, to meet her 2nd child, Baby Hadley...I thought this would be a perfect little gift (along with a TON of yummy food from Pat & Oscars!):
I just cut a ton of ribbon strips, all about 6" or so, took a square of fabric and a square of terry cloth - sewed it all together, stuffed it with some polyfill & voila!!

It's soft, brightly colored for stimulation and super portable! This little guy only took me about 30 minutes to whip up, which was fantastic because I was extremely short on time. In retrospect, I should've embroidered on name on it...but, like I said...short on time!

It even matches all the fabric yo-yo flowers I made for Niki/Hadley's nursery a few weeks ago! {her 1st shower here & 2nd 'sprinkle' here}

And here are a few pics of Miss Hadley in all her newborn baby cuteness:
Cannot believe how different but similar Hadley looks compared to her big brother Pierce... that was almost exactly 2 yrs ago that I visited baby Pierce!!

And a precious moment with mamma admiring her sleepy little girl!

Love ya Ritchison fam...thank you for letting me snuggle with you new 'girly' addition!! xoxo


  1. I love the pillow! The fabric is fabulous and the ribbons just make the whole things. I'd love it if you'd share this at my link party going on now at The NY Melrose Family .

    1. Hi Jenny! Thanks for your sweet comment, I will definitely share it over on your link party :-)


Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}